Collect reviews WordPress plugin

Boost Your Business with Automatic Customer Reviews Collection

The ultimate WordPress plugin for automatically collecting reviews on any platform like Google, Trustpilot or Facebook.

Reviews illustration


Integrations enable automatic review collection

WooCommerce logo
Easy Digital Downloads logo
WPForms logo

How it works

Review Request Email

After the purchase or form submission on your website the plugin sends a review request email to the customer.

Inbox illustration
Rating selection illustration

Rating Selection

The review request email contains a stars widget, allowing the customer to select a rating from 1 to 5, indicating their level of satisfaction or experience.

Positive Rating

If the customer chooses a positive rating (e.g., 4 or 5 stars), they are redirected to your website, where you suggest leaving a review on a specific platform, such as Google. This intermediate step ensures transparency by informing the customer about the redirection to an external platform instead of directly redirecting them from the email.

Positive rating illustration
Negative rating form

Negative Rating

If the customer chooses a negative rating, they are not informed about the option to leave a review on Google or any other platform. Instead, they are redirected to a review form on the website, enabling them to provide feedback privately to the website owner. This helps the website owner address any concerns or issues raised by the customer directly, preventing negative reviews from appearing on public review platforms.


Available smart reviews collection tools

Automatic reviews collection

Collect reviews automatically via integrations with WooCommerce or WPForms.

Manual review requests

You can always send review requests manually to any email addresses form the plugin interface.

Customizable email template

Email content is fully customizable via plugin settings.

Negative reviews prevention

Prevent negative review by forwarding user to feedback for instead of review platform.

Review requests logs

All review requests can be checked and analized in the pluign.

Review requests delay

Review request email sending can be delayed based on your busines needs,

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